Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Giving of the Thanks

Four classes down, Eight to go. Whew. It is the giving of the thanks that I am doing right about now. I'm a third of the way done, and I'm finishing this puppy come Hell or high water. Keeping in mind that I don't believe in the Hell. But I do believe in the high water, especially after seeing so much of it last year. My, my but that Iowa River can rise up when it wants to. But that's a whole 'nother story.
Anyway, we gave of the thanks, we made of the dinner. It was lovely. My son is here, my daugher-in-law, and my grandson. Plus my mom, my brother, my nephew, and of course my dog, Mabel. I actually wish there were more of us, but I shouldn't be greedy. So I'm grateful for those that I had here, and for those that had afar for we are all of good health this year, and of good cheer, and I know that is quite a lot.
Now for other things, not to drag on and on, but I'm on to my newest class which is of a Zen nature, ish, and one of my assignments is to develop a survey for a project I'm working on. The project involves programming a DynaVox speech box for a young man that is non-verbal. It is a rather heavy box that has a programmable touch screen that allows me to put "buttons" on it with pictures that once touched will say anything I program them to say. I know. Pretty heady stuff that. But I try to think like an 18 year old male. HEY, clean it up. He's a nice 18 year old male. I try to think like him, and give him buttons that are appropriate for school. So my survey is very broadly concerned with that. Please consider taking it, it's located at:

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