I'm in graduate school, I work full-time, I have a part-time job, and I have a family. I have a life. Therefore, when I decide to read something, it had better be worth reading, even if it's just a comic strip, I don't take my reading time lightly. I've been known to rip up books that disappointed me in the end. That was after a two day rant about the author's complete lack of concern for the faithful reader, otherwise known as "me."
So when I decide to subscribe to a feed from the Google reader, you can be fairly certain it has some gravitas, or at the very least it tickles my funny bone. If it's for a task assigned by a professor, I will still take it seriously, because my reading time is very precious to me. I was given the assignment of finding 5 RSS's to subscribe to in the field of education. I actually found 6.
The first is Educational Technology. This one is a no-brainer because I'm getting an M.A. in Education, Media, & Technology. I'd like to keep up on what the world is doing while I'm in school for the very same thing.
Second is Education: News & Videos about Education - CNN.com, and I guess I'd have to say I chose this because I choose CNN to provide me with my news. They seem to have the scoop on everyone, so I trust they'll have the scoop on this.
Third is NPR Topics: Education, NPR has been my go to radio station for years, especially when I'm looking for the liberal, or off-beat stories, and sometimes that's where the best education stories are found.
In fourth place is NYT > Education. You can't beat the New York Times for news stories, and New York City is always a bit ahead of the curve when it comes to education, so this is a good place to look for stories on education as well.
My fifth choice is U.S. Department of Education, because big brother is always in charge of some of our monies, and it behooves us to pay attention to what he has to say.
My final selection, and the "also ran" is RTFM Education, because seriously, aren't there an awful lot of people in education that need to RTFM? And this one tickles my funny bone.
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