I love widgets. PC's have gadgets, and they are way less cool. Of course, PC's are way less cool, except for the card games. At any rate, Macs rule with the widgets. There are so many to choose from. First you have to select a category, and that alone can take you several minutes to half an hour. Then you truly do need to read about each widget, and consider how many people have tried them before you. It is a good indicator of what is popular and what works.
Vocaroo is a Web 2.0 tool that I found that also comes as a widget. It's the next step in email, leaving a voicemail. It's still in beta, which means they are still testing it, but it's a clever little program that is offered for free for now. On the home page, vocaroo.com, you are given the opportunity to record your own voice and play it back for yourself. Then you are offered the chance to rerecord a message and email it to anyone you know.
A number of improvements have been made to the little gizmo while it's been in beta, so now you can choose your colors, and download your messages to save on your computer. As always, one of my favorites is the people behind Vocaroo have a sense of humor. It's worth it just to go read what they will guarantee and what they won't. Don't miss their request for your first born child. It's a hoot.
I find that there are often situations where it would be very helpful for my daughter in particular to be able to record a message for me to hear. Specifically when my granddaughter who is almost 2 years old and as precocious as can be, lets one of her little pearls of wisdom drop from her tongue in Dallas, Texas, and I am 1500 miles away at work in Iowa. My daughter could record it, and I would not miss this miraculous moment at all, because anyone with anyone experience with babies would know that they do not perform on command, and that moment would not be replayed when I was available later in the day. It would be lovely to know that I could be there as it were. It's very hard to miss out on so much from so far away.
Perhaps the people at Vocaroo have grandchildren that live very far away too? Well done I say!
Go give Vocaroo a try today. It's a brilliant little widget, or a great toy to give your friends to play with on your web page. I'm getting ready to add it to mine. Stop by and give it a try.
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